Nobel 8905 - Contract
Nobel 8905 - Contract
Nobel 8905 - Contract
Nobel 8905 - Contract
Spisetue med beton og lamelvæg og stort vinduesparti i baggrunden, spisebord med egetræs ben og hvid bordplade, model Care Table 3900, med 4 af den stabelbare spisebordsstol Nobel 8905 stående rundt om
Nobel 8905 - Contract

Nobel 8905 - Contract

Nobel 8905
With the new Nobel 8905, Farstrup Furniture completes the Nobel family, so that it now consists of the reclining chairs 8900/8920, the rocking chair 8950, the sofa chair 8981 and the sofa 8982.
The Nobel family is characterized by a slim, noble and elegant look that suits interiors where the focus is on simplicity and the best quality choice of materials. In all Nobel products, attention is paid to the details. The grain of the wood stands out beautifully in the plastered armrests, and with the stylish Nordic features, they support the Danish design style.

The Nobel 8905 frame is in solid oak, and if you wish, you can choose between different surface treatments (see materials under more info). The elegant stacking chair is also available in a version with seat and back in oak veneer, see Nobel 8905 – W here.
With more than 100 years of experience in chair production and the slogan "From trunk to living room", Nobel 8905 continues Farstrup's tradition of creating high-quality chairs with exceptional comfort.
A stylish and versatile classic that is flexible in the interior with its stackable function, and is therefore particularly suitable in several settings – as a conference/meeting chair, in living or dining areas in care centers, in the healthcare sector or other institutions. In combination with the 3900 Care-T table series or the 4000 Elegant-T tables, you can complete the design expression in the interior.

Contact Farstrup Furniture for special requests for the product.

Design: Ole Tornøe Olesen

Shown in photo

Model: Nobel 8905

Measure etc
Width: 58 cm
Depth: 59 cm
Height: 80 cm

Nobel 8905 is available in a wide selection of leather and quality textiles.

We cooperate with, among other things with Gabriel, Kvadrat, Nevotex and Sørensen Leather.

Nobel 8905 is available with a frame in solid oak and is offered in different stains:
Oak: Natural varnish, light net varnish, brown and black stained.

Fork castors incl. 2 felt gliders (0592)

Kvalitet siden 1910

Møbler med personlighed

Farstrup Furniture har siden 1910 produceret dansk design i danske omgivelser. Hvad startede ud som et savværk fra gamle togskinner, er i dag stadig en stolt produktionsvirksomhed midt på Fyn.

Kunderne siger om Farstrup

Kan bekræfte at stolen Cantate er en fantastisk og meget lækker stol. Har nu haft min siden 2018 - den "springer" op på ryggen af mig hver gang jeg kommer hjem.

Morten Falck

Super god service og lænestol. Det er den bedste lænestol jeg nogensinde har siddet i og jeg fik rigtig følelsen af, at jeg fik en stol unikt lavet til mig.

Kristina Krisser Torning

Har købt 2 stk Farstrup lænestole - Først købte vi en da min kone har spinalstenose i ryggen - da vi så hvilken støtte og komfort der var, måtte manden også ha' en ! Jøsses hvor er vi glade for dem - Tak Farstrup.

Ole Kirk

Gode stole - købte et par stykker i 90'erne i Hillerød og vi er stadig glade for dem. Rigtig gode otiumstole.

Katrine Lehd